What is perfectionist brain, and do you have it? Have you ever felt like you’re always waiting for something? Like you’re waiting to feel happy, waiting to lose weight, waiting to get a raise, waiting to feel like you’ve earned or deserve the things you want… Just always waiting? It’s so easy to get stuck […]
Its here, its here! Well…. Its almost here. I am getting ready to launch my newest and most badassest offer yet! And because you are here, and you’re the most amazing human ever, you get to be among the first to know about it. The offer wont be live yet, however I will start doing […]
How many times have you talked yourself out of doing something? If you’re anything like me, its been frequent. I can be an expert at talking myself out of doing things. Even if its something I want to do, I can still talk myself out of it. I kept thinking, there has to be a […]
What does it take to lose weight and finally be happy? To finally be able to enjoy life to the fullest? To wear whatever I want and do whatever I want and go wherever I want, and feel good about it. I want to meet the guy/woman/person of my dreams and have a beautiful life […]
Its that time of year where people are buzzing about, setting new years resolutions, and “New year New ME” mentality is all anyone can talk about… for the first couple of weeks maybe. And then so many of those that were gung ho on January 1 have petered out and lost steam only a few […]
This past year was a flying shit show. 2020 was bonkers. I had planned on having my preventative mastectomy and diep flap procedure (check out this page where I explain some of this) in the fall of 2020…. But then suddenly, a pandemic. That changed all sorts of plans. It changed how I am preparing […]
Before I found thought work, I was running my life scatter brained and feeling like a victim to my past. That I would always be doomed to repeat the same cycle of mistakes over and over again. I didn’t want to live in the self loathing, anxiety ridden bubble I had created for myself. I […]
This Weeks Coaching Session Question A lot of us are home right now, and there is a lot of uncertainty surrounding that. Uncertainty can equal anxiety if we let it. Keyword, let. Meaning, we don’t have to let uncertainty equal anxiety or fear about the future. You are still completely capable and in control of […]
Okay, so shit is a little bonkers right now. Are you stressin? Are you freaking out? Do you have a tightness in your chest and a pit in your stomach? Or are you over there just cool as a cucumber, hanging out with Netflix and your pets? Are your kids one step away from becoming […]
Identifying your why is one of the most important things to do. Giving yourself a real reason you can stick behind when it gets really hard, will save you. You can learn how to stay motivated by using your why. For this, you will have to dig deep. You wont find it on the surface. […]