What is perfectionist brain, and do you have it? Have you ever felt like you’re always waiting for something? Like you’re waiting to feel happy, waiting to lose weight, waiting to get a raise, waiting to feel like you’ve earned or deserve the things you want… Just always waiting? It’s so easy to get stuck […]
How many times have you talked yourself out of doing something? If you’re anything like me, its been frequent. I can be an expert at talking myself out of doing things. Even if its something I want to do, I can still talk myself out of it. I kept thinking, there has to be a […]
Okay, so shit is a little bonkers right now. Are you stressin? Are you freaking out? Do you have a tightness in your chest and a pit in your stomach? Or are you over there just cool as a cucumber, hanging out with Netflix and your pets? Are your kids one step away from becoming […]
Identifying your why is one of the most important things to do. Giving yourself a real reason you can stick behind when it gets really hard, will save you. You can learn how to stay motivated by using your why. For this, you will have to dig deep. You wont find it on the surface. […]
What even is a bottom line, and do you need to know what yours is? The answer, simply put, is yes. It can be a feeling, it can be one word, and it can be about anything. You’ve probably used the phrase before when making a purchase. But it applies to your personal growth and […]
Have you ever struggled with the question, do I deserve love? I think it’s a big one for a lot of us. At our most vulnerable and weak moments, we can look at ourselves and say, I am worthless. I do not deserve love, my own or anyone else’s. I have nothing real to offer, […]
Old thought patterns will forever and always show up, and this is where the concept we have already talked about, watching yourself think, comes into play. Self love is wonderful, and we have more opportunity than ever to be exactly who we are, and feel good about it. But concepts like self love are really […]
Recently I had been feeling kind of out of sync. My days just weren’t flowing right, and things didn’t have a rhythm, and it’s just like, come on man what the hell is going on. I can’t get my ish right. Know what I’m talkin about? It’s frustrating when you’re just stuck in this rut, […]
How this one things dictates your feelings, and not gonna lie, this one is kind of a bummer. Why is that? Because it is putting you as the completely responsible party for everything going on in your mind. It seems that your feelings would be the one dictating your thoughts. Well, I feel sad because […]
What does it feel like to be powerless? To not have control over your emotions or the way that you receive words that are spoken to you? At some point or another, we have all felt this way. I want to let you in on a little secret. You are the only person you need […]