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Hey Y'all!

I'm Katie.

We are all, in one way or another, a survivor. I have survived my mother passing away from breast cancer when I was three years old, sexual abuse, and a BRCA1 diagnosis at the age of 32. 

My passion is sharing my story, to teach what I've learned from being in a place where I was always self sabotaging, to being comfortable and happy within myself, and to help women feel less alone in the process.  

I've done a lot of hiding over the years. I hid from the trauma, from my feelings, and from trying to heal. All of that hiding led to me ultimately burying my true self. I felt lost, and I never knew where I fit in. All I wanted was to feel better. I wanted to know who I was and be confident in it. I wanted to push all the pain down and just let it "dissolve". Funny thing is, pain doesn't just dissolve. It takes hard work to be emotionally present enough to feel all those tough feelings.

I wasn't ready for that for a long time. I spent ten years making mistakes and trying to avoid the pain, and all that did was implode on itself. I decided to share my struggles and everything that I've learned from them, in the hopes that it would reach that one person who might need to hear it. It takes guts to face our inner pain, and if the knowledge that I have to offer can help you achieve that life and inner peace that you have been longing for, then I am honored.  

You know that voice in the back of your head that's saying, I want something more? That's your cue, and it's time to take it.

Most days you can find me either behind the computer, or running around the house with tools and a paint brush. I am obsessed with DIY'ing things around my quirky little house, that was built in the 50's, I love sharing those projects and inspiring others to go after their dream home, one project at a time. You can catch me on Instagram stories, sharing all the messy behind the scenes with my little family. I am all about living in a way that allows me to have room for growth, and confidence in who I am in the process. 

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I'm an avid netflix watcher, find cereal to be an acceptable meal any time of day, and love a well placed f-bomb.